Hello IA Families!
Upcoming Dates
10/23 - Vocabulary Quiz
10/23 - 10/25 - Student Led Conferences
10/23 - 10/26 - Minimum Days, dismissal is at 12 PM
10/26 - Makeup/Retake Quiz Day
Halloween Dance hosted by 7th grade team - 5:00 - 8:00, cost is $7, costumes are welcome, cost includes entrance, pizza, drinks, and snacks. We still need about 5 chaperones, please contact me if you're interested.
Yearbook Club for 5th - 8th graders 12:15 - 1:15 sign up sheet in Main Office for those interested.
Important info from the PA
Upcoming Dates
10/23 - Vocabulary Quiz
10/23 - 10/25 - Student Led Conferences
10/23 - 10/26 - Minimum Days, dismissal is at 12 PM
10/26 - Makeup/Retake Quiz Day
Halloween Dance hosted by 7th grade team - 5:00 - 8:00, cost is $7, costumes are welcome, cost includes entrance, pizza, drinks, and snacks. We still need about 5 chaperones, please contact me if you're interested.
Yearbook Club for 5th - 8th graders 12:15 - 1:15 sign up sheet in Main Office for those interested.
Important info from the PA
1. The IA Parent Association has created a Facebook page that will provide updates and reminders about upcoming events. Go to http://www.facebook.com/ IAParents and "like" the page to ensure that you see our updates in your News Feed.
2. "Spook-a-Grams" will be on sale at IA starting Tuesday, October 23. "Spook-a-Grams" are a holiday gram which also includes a treat attached. You can send a fun, holiday message to your child, your children can send some to their friends, or you can order for an entire classroom. Print out the attached form or pick one up in the office. Fill it in and cut into four "Spook-a-Grams." A sales table will be set up outside the office during student-led conferences. The cost is 50 cents for each gram and they will be delivered to students in their classrooms on Wednesday, October 31. The Parents Fundraising Group is hosting this event to raise funds for IA.
What's happening in Humanities . . .
Language Arts - Students finished up their Socratic Seminar on who is responsible for Kevin's death early this week. The blame was pointed at many different groups including: Kevin's mother, the meat packing factory, government, and the farmers who feed cows corn. Students took their vocabulary quiz today on their 10 terms from last week and turned in their vocabulary definitions, sentences and drawings. We continue to work on journal writing, reading our own personal books, and grammar.
Social Studies - This week we had class discussions on the upcoming presidential election. Many students have very strong opinions on who they'd like to see win. A great sight to see was students not arguing about their political views, but listening and respecting everyone's different opinions. Students also learned about the presidential election and what a popular vote is over an electoral vote.
Things students can do at home to reinforce reading and writing:
- Have your child read for 20 - 30 minutes at home, 5 days a week. Maybe you can do a book club with your child and you read and discuss together. Reading fluency, comprehension, and writing all improve tremendously when we read daily.
- Journal writing - students can journal daily before going to bed for a short period of time. Journal writing helps students understand themselves and helps develop student thinking. A challenge could be to include a certain number of vocabulary words in each entry.
As you all know, our school has an agreement that we do not assign meaningless homework. However, students are expected to complete their unfinished classwork at home or on campus outside of class time. Students should be bringing their binders home daily and checking to make sure everything is complete. If you have any questions about this, please speak to me during our SLCs.
Thank you for reading my blog and I hope to see you this week at your child's conference.