Thursday, May 23, 2013

This week . . .

Writers Workshop is due tomorrow!  Students have been working diligently preparing for the final draft.

As a reminder these are the steps of the writers workshop that students were expected to follow.

Step 1:  Story Map

Step 2:  First Draft

Step 3:  Group Critique

Step 4:  Typed Second Draft with revisions based on group critique

Step 5:  Peer Critique on Second Draft

Step 6:  Revised, Edited & Proofread Third Draft

Step 7:  Conference with Jennie or Alex

Step 8:  Final Copy of Writers Workshop

We will be having a guest teach our cooking challenge tomorrow.  Chef Vatta will be  teaching us how to make Thai summer rolls with peanut sauce.  All students that are caught up with their work in both classes are welcome to join and we ask that they bring a $2 donation for the cooking challenge.

Please see Wes' blog for updated info on our Kings Canyon camping trip.  Also, you can find our POL sign up in my previous post and on Wes' blog.



Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Independent Study

Independent Study 

Below is the work for students who will NOT be going camping the week of May 29th - 31st.

Due Dates - All work will be due on students' blogs by the morning of June 3rd.  Students should email me with their blog address at

Independent Reading
You may bring a fiction or nonfiction novel you have NOT previously read. You can choose a book in class Friday, or obtain one from a library or home.  If you will be coming to class the week of camping, you must BRING your book to school.   You will be expected to finish your book by the end of the week, so choose your book wisely.  The book should be at grade level.  Please read below for your assignments and guidelines. 

1.  First Post - Due Friday, May 24th
Post your book title, author and image of your book on your blog.  

2.  Reading Responses
The rest of your posts will be your responses to your reading.  
Posts 2-5 are reading responses.  

Include a heading for read reading response post.  You can copy this one:
NAME___________________ DATE____________________
TITLE____________________ AUTHOR__________________ PAGES I READ Today ______-_______


Here is a list you can use to get ideas for reading responses. You may choose to write a paragraph for 3 or 4 of these, or focus on one extended response. You are not writing a summary, so be sure not to just tell what happened. Instead, write about your thoughts and opinions on what happened. Each response should total approximately 1 page, or 3-4 strong paragraphs. 

1. How is a character in your book similar to a character in another book, story, or movie?
2. What does this book remind you of in your own life? Why?
3. What does this book make you wonder about? Why?
4. What exciting events just happened? What do you think will happen next, and why?
5. What character do you like most in this book and/or what character do you like least? Why?
6. What was one of your favorite lines (or sentences) in what you read today? Copy it down and tell why you liked it. (It can be more than a sentence if you like, but not too long—you still need to write 100 words of your own.)
7. Explain how the author creates suspense in this book.
8. How did what you read today make you feel? Why?
9. What do you think about a particular character's actions? Was he/she right or wrong to do that?
10. What is confusing in this book? Why? (Be specific)
11. What advice would you give to a particular character? Why?
12. What do you think is the theme (author’s message) in this book?
13. Do you think you would read another book by this author? Why or why not?
14. Which character would you like to be like? In what way? Why?
15. What other character(s) beside the main character is really important to the story? How and why?
16. Make up a motto that one of the characters seems to live by. How and why does this fit the character?
17. Which character would you like (or not like) to be your friend? Why?
18. If you could change one thing in the book, what would it be? Why would you change it?
19. What has surprised you in the book? Why?
20. What in the book upsets you or bothers you? Why?

Specific to nonfiction texts: 
1. What argument(s) is the author making? What evidence does author provide to support argument?
2. Do you agree/disagree with author's argument(s)? Explain why. 
3. What facts or statistics do you find surprising? Explain why.
4. Do you question the validity of author's evidence, or find it believable? Explain. 
5. What else do you want to know about topic(s) author discusses? How could you find out?
6. Is the author biased? Explain your opinion.
7. What problems in society is author addressing? What does author want done about problem/issue? 

Other ideas: Write in your own!

Here is a link to a student example of a reading response to question 10.  

3.  Create your own book trailer
The last component of your independent study is to create your own book trailer.  A book trailer is basically like a movie trailer, but for books.  The purpose of it is to connect with readers and hook them into wanting to read this book.   You can check out some examples here.  You will post the trailer onto your blog.

You can create your book trailer through a powerpoint or a flip cam and set it to music.  The length should be close to 1-2 minutes.  You can do the voice over or just do text.  Steve can support you with your book trailer as well.  Have fun and be creative with it!    I look forward to checking it out.

I'll miss you guys next week!!!

Meal Planner & Grocery Lists

Hello Families,

Camping groups have put their meal planners and grocery lists together.  Click on your child's group below to see what they are bringing and what they signed up for.  Non perishable items can be brought any day this week.  We are having a gear check tomorrow, so all sleeping equipment should be brought in.

Diego & Will

Wyatt, Thomas, Jacob, Zack, Josh R & Fehung


Tylor & Luke

Bryan, Brian, Spencer, Mariah, Terra and Gillian

If you do not see your child's name above, please ask them to see their list.  I posted the lists that were shared with me.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Reflecting & Catching Up

Hello Students & Families,

The past few days, the team has spent our time reflecting, reorganizing, testing, and catching up.  This morning was our last day of STAR testing.  Students took the ELA STAR test yesterday and today.  Make ups will take place tomorrow, next Monday, and next Tuesday.  We are also spending time reorganizing our classrooms, expectations for the rest of the year and expectations from students and teachers.  Lastly, we spent a lot of time reflecting on Exhibition Night and The Around The World Project.

Thank you so much to all the families that attended our special night.  There was a buzz all across campus of what a great job the seventh graders did.  It was exciting to hear students sharing their knowledge of the countries they studied and the arthropods they made.  We reflected on what we could have done to make the night even better for ourselves and visitors.  Overall, the students were really proud of themselves and of each other!

Update on Writers Workshop - We put WW on hold in preparation of Exhibition, but we started working on it again.  Students are writing/typing their second drafts this week, revising their stories, reorganizing their ideas, and adding more details where needed.  Next week, we'll do a second peer critique and create our third drafts.  The goal is to have a 3-5 page typed story that includes all the elements of fiction.

Camping Trip - Our helpful room parent, Lorraine, has shared a document to all parents that needs to be filled out by this Sunday.  We need a total head count of who will be going and we are starting to collect $50, the cost of the trip.  If you are driving your child and others to Kings Canyon, your child isn't expected to pay $50.

Friday Cooking Challenges - The next three Fridays, we will be spending time cooking in preparation for our camping trip.  Tomorrow, Wes and I will lead a demo on making salsa and students will prepare their own salsa, experimenting with spices, peppers, etc.  We are looking to borrow extra cutting boards and knives, which will be returned at the end of the month. If you are interested in donating any fresh ingredients for tomorrow's cooking class, we are looking for tomatoes, peppers, white/red onions, cilantro, and limes.  More information will come for the upcoming cooking classes later this month.

Thank you for all your support, communication, and feedback.  Feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments.  Enjoy the rest of your week!

Below are a few pictures taken from Exhibition Night.