Hello Students & Families,
The past few days, the team has spent our time reflecting, reorganizing, testing, and catching up. This morning was our last day of STAR testing. Students took the ELA STAR test yesterday and today. Make ups will take place tomorrow, next Monday, and next Tuesday. We are also spending time reorganizing our classrooms, expectations for the rest of the year and expectations from students and teachers. Lastly, we spent a lot of time reflecting on Exhibition Night and The Around The World Project.
Thank you so much to all the families that attended our special night. There was a buzz all across campus of what a great job the seventh graders did. It was exciting to hear students sharing their knowledge of the countries they studied and the arthropods they made. We reflected on what we could have done to make the night even better for ourselves and visitors. Overall, the students were really proud of themselves and of each other!
Update on Writers Workshop - We put WW on hold in preparation of Exhibition, but we started working on it again. Students are writing/typing their second drafts this week, revising their stories, reorganizing their ideas, and adding more details where needed. Next week, we'll do a second peer critique and create our third drafts. The goal is to have a 3-5 page typed story that includes all the elements of fiction.
Camping Trip - Our helpful room parent, Lorraine, has shared a document to all parents that needs to be filled out by this Sunday. We need a total head count of who will be going and we are starting to collect $50, the cost of the trip. If you are driving your child and others to Kings Canyon, your child isn't expected to pay $50.
Friday Cooking Challenges - The next three Fridays, we will be spending time cooking in preparation for our camping trip. Tomorrow, Wes and I will lead a demo on making salsa and students will prepare their own salsa, experimenting with spices, peppers, etc. We are looking to borrow extra cutting boards and knives, which will be returned at the end of the month. If you are interested in donating any fresh ingredients for tomorrow's cooking class, we are looking for tomatoes, peppers, white/red onions, cilantro, and limes. More information will come for the upcoming cooking classes later this month.
Thank you for all your support, communication, and feedback. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments. Enjoy the rest of your week!
Below are a few pictures taken from Exhibition Night.
The past few days, the team has spent our time reflecting, reorganizing, testing, and catching up. This morning was our last day of STAR testing. Students took the ELA STAR test yesterday and today. Make ups will take place tomorrow, next Monday, and next Tuesday. We are also spending time reorganizing our classrooms, expectations for the rest of the year and expectations from students and teachers. Lastly, we spent a lot of time reflecting on Exhibition Night and The Around The World Project.
Thank you so much to all the families that attended our special night. There was a buzz all across campus of what a great job the seventh graders did. It was exciting to hear students sharing their knowledge of the countries they studied and the arthropods they made. We reflected on what we could have done to make the night even better for ourselves and visitors. Overall, the students were really proud of themselves and of each other!
Update on Writers Workshop - We put WW on hold in preparation of Exhibition, but we started working on it again. Students are writing/typing their second drafts this week, revising their stories, reorganizing their ideas, and adding more details where needed. Next week, we'll do a second peer critique and create our third drafts. The goal is to have a 3-5 page typed story that includes all the elements of fiction.
Camping Trip - Our helpful room parent, Lorraine, has shared a document to all parents that needs to be filled out by this Sunday. We need a total head count of who will be going and we are starting to collect $50, the cost of the trip. If you are driving your child and others to Kings Canyon, your child isn't expected to pay $50.
Friday Cooking Challenges - The next three Fridays, we will be spending time cooking in preparation for our camping trip. Tomorrow, Wes and I will lead a demo on making salsa and students will prepare their own salsa, experimenting with spices, peppers, etc. We are looking to borrow extra cutting boards and knives, which will be returned at the end of the month. If you are interested in donating any fresh ingredients for tomorrow's cooking class, we are looking for tomatoes, peppers, white/red onions, cilantro, and limes. More information will come for the upcoming cooking classes later this month.
Thank you for all your support, communication, and feedback. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments. Enjoy the rest of your week!
Below are a few pictures taken from Exhibition Night.