Monday, March 12, 2012

This Week in Humanities 3/26-3/30

Upcoming Events:

Monday, 3/26 - Superhero Short Story Draft 1 due by 9PM. emailed or shared to Jennie

Tuesday, 3/27 - Science Benchmark #3 due in class. emailed or shared to Lisa

Thursday, 3/29 - Superhero Short Story Draft 2 due by 9PM. emailed or shared to Jennie & Amendment Test Retake

4/2 - 4/6 - Spring Break

Amendments Test - Kids took their Amendments test 2 weeks ago. Anyone that earned below a 70% has to retake the test this Thursday and anyone who wants a better grade can retake it too.

We are continuing to work on the Superheroes Project. They started their 1st draft of the short story last week in class and it's due this evening. We'll be doing a peer critique and the draft and will then make some revisions to complete a second draft. It's really exciting to see how the kids are so into their superheroes and have a sense of ownership over their characters. As of now 3 benchmarks have been due in Humanities: the story pitches & superhero sketch, the character profile of the main superhero, and the short story outline. Please check in with your child to see if he/she is on track with the short story 1st draft due tonight.

On another note, a big thank you to those that attended the Family Night last week, their will be 1-2 more this semester. We'll also hold an Exhibition for our current project sometime in April.