Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Exhibition Night is two days away!

Hello Families,

Our superb seventh grade team is working diligently on their projects, as they gear up for Exhibition Night.  As a reminder, Exhibition Night is this Thursday from 5:00 - 8:00.  There is a link on the right side of my blog, where parents and students can sign up.  Students are expected to be in each of their classes for at least 30 minutes.

Students are setting up the room to look like the countries they've researched.  Some are bringing artifacts from home, making their own artifacts, and cooking traditional foods from the countries they've studied.  We have arranged for a few travel agents to attend Exhibition as well and will be asking students about landmarks, culture, cuisine, and popular tourist attractions.  It will be a fun and exciting night and I look forward to seeing you all there!

Here are a few final products from last week.

Angelina & Gillian painting the Eye of London.

Aminah & Layla painting the Hagia Sophia located in Turkey.

Luke is sketching his first draft of  the Arc de Triomf (Arch of Triumph) located in Barcelona, Spain.

Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul, South Korea
This is one of Reese's first ever paintings!  

Monday, April 15, 2013

What are you making for your main course???

April 15, 2013

Today, we shared what our final products will be for the Around The World Project.  Students have a menu of options to choose for their main course (final product) and their dessert (additional activities).

Below is what the menu looks like.  This week, the class is working on the appetizers and planning stages of their main course.

Appetizers (Do All)
Main Course (Pick One)
Dessert (Pick Three)

-Research Packet
-8x10 Flag
-Physical Map
-Political Map
-Current Event Presentation

-3D Model & Artist Statement
-Painting & Artist Statement
-Recipe Book
-Gameboard – trivia of your country
-Wooden Puzzle
-Scrapbook of your virtual trip

-Backdrop – landscape of the country
-Food – prepare one dish
-Flag – poster size
-Language – teach 10     sentences/phrases
-Music playlist
-Display tech project
-Dress up in traditional clothing
-Teach a game/hobby

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


April 10, 2013

Hello Families,

New Project
We officially kicked off our new Humanities project this week titled Around The World.  Students will be working in pairs or by themselves if they choose to and research a country of their choice.  This Friday, we'll be taking small groups to the library to gather books on their country, DEAR, and the Arthropod project. Students should bring their library cards with them on Friday.  We are looking for 3 parent drivers for Friday morning 9:15 - 10:15.  A project description will be posted on my blog at the end of the week that will provide a description of the various activities and final products students will be working on, along with a timeline.

Writers Workshop
Students worked in groups of 3 this week to peer critique their first drafts of their writers workshop.  We talked about what is helpful feedback and what's not and the types of suggestions we can give to a writer.  Students will begin typing their 2nd drafts this week and highlighting the areas they revised based on their peer critique.

Requirements of this round of Writers Workshop

  • typed, 12 font, single spaced
  • 3-5 pages in length
  • title page:  title of story, author's name, and one image
  • story has to include all six elements of fiction:  point of view, characters, setting, plot, conflict and theme.
The Outsiders Portfolio  is due tomorrow.  

Sexual Education Letter - San Diego Youth Empowerment will be coming tomorrow to teach classes on sexual education to the 7th grade from 1:00 - 1:45.  Letters have been given to students providing more information on topics covered and dates the classes will be held.  If you choose to not have your student present for these courses, please provide a note or email stating so and we'll provide another assignment for them.  

Donations - we are looking for a few donations for our Around The World project including acrylic paint (any color), paint brushes, canvases, and cardboard boxes.

If you are able to drive and help supervise our trip to the library this Friday, please email me and include how many students you can fit in your car.  Feel free to email me any questions, feedback, or comments.
