Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This week in Humanities 5/29-5/31

So happy to have the kids back from their trip.  It was very lonely here the past two weeks without them :)
This week we have been discussing immigration in the past.  The kids have been learning reasons why immigrants chose to come to the US during the Immigration Boom.  We also did an Ellis Island simulation today for them to experience the difficulties entering the US back in the day.  Tomorrow, we will do an Angel Island simulation and the class will be able to compare and contrast both experiences.  If you have the time this week, maybe during dinner, discuss with your child the reasons why your ancestors left their home country and came to America.

Next week, we'll be looking more at present day immigration.  The class will also write poems on America and their views and feelings of the country.

Upcoming Dates
-Vocabulary Showdown/Quiz - Thursday 6/7  (immigration terms)
-Six Flags - 6/8
-Presentations of Learning - 6/13 & 6/14
-Graduation 6/14

**I will be sending an email out shortly on details of graduation.  I'll also be looking for volunteers to help set up chairs and tables at gazebo for that evening.

Thanks again for all you help and support.  I can't believe this school year is already coming to an end.  It's been a really wonderful experience for myself to work at Innovations Academy and be a part of this amazing class.  

Thursday, May 3, 2012

This week in Humanities: April 30th - May 4th

     I am so proud of my students this week!  They've been working so hard on their Superheros Project as we have come to the final week of the project.  You can see the pride and ownership they have of their superhero's story and comic strips.  Their comic strips are due today.  Lisa and I decided instead of having the kids produce an entire comic book, they will produce 5 comic pages instead that represent parts of their short story.  The final pieces of the project are preparing for Exhibition, a student project reflection and partner evaluation.  

     We are all excited for you to visit the classroom and meet their superheroes!  A few of the superheroes you'll meet are:  EnerJoe, Matter Man, Static Man, and Mr. Chintastic!  School wide student led conferences are being held May 9th - May 11th.  We'll be holding our Superhero In The Making Exhibition on May 10th and May 11th.  This will be your opportunity to see the process of this project and learn about our students' superheroes.  We will send an email shortly with specific times of the Exhibition.

     In other news, Innovations Academy will be participating in the 13th Annual SRCA COMMUNITY FAIR and ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL!  It will be held this Sunday, May 6, 2012, from 12:00-5:30p.m. at the Scripps Ranch Community Park on 11454 Blue Cypress Drive. We will have a booth set up where various activities will be available for friends and families to enjoy!  Our theme is RE-USEABLE ART:  making art out of PAPER you might normally throw away!