Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Did Indians use elephants to fight in wars?

Hello Friends & Families,

Thanks so much for all of those that attended our Back To School Night last Thursday.  It was wonderful talking to each and everyone one of you and sharing what great things our students are working on.  Please know that my door is always open and you can come by anytime after school to see what your child is working on or share celebrations and/or concerns.

Where I'm From
This week students finished editing their Where I'm From poems and self assessed them using a writing rubric.  We'll be framing the final copies this week and they will be displayed throughout the room.  Students will continue to work on charcoaling their sketch for our team mural.  Ask your child what did they sketch?  How does their sketch define who they are and where they are from?

Zero Waste Project
Students have started to take a photographic inventory of different classrooms on campus and will do a data analysis in Wes' room.  In humanities, teams will make posters on what to recycle and what to compost for their assigned classroom.  Looking ahead, students will come up with a plan to educate and help their assigned classroom reduce their waste.

India & Life of Pi
We are gearing up to start Life of Pi in a few weeks.  This week, we had discussions on tigers and why they are considered such vicious animals.  We read the poem "Tiger" by William Blake and analyzed it.  Also, we are discussing India, since the beginning of the book takes place there.  The kids filled in a KWL chart on India and came up with great questions of what they want to know.  One being my title:  were elephants used to fight in wars?  We'll use these questions to guide us as we learn more about the country.  Looking ahead, kids will be in groups researching different topics of India and presenting their findings to the class.

-brawl      -illiterate     -patronize     -docile     -aspire    
-indifferent     -pristine     -export     -import    -duped

Students will be assessed on the ten words above this Friday.  They'll be expected to know the meaning and write a meaningful sentence.

Field trip to Birch Aquarium is this Thursday from 9 - 12PM.
No school for students on Monday, 10/8