Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What's happening in Humanities . . .

Dear Friends,

So sorry for not updating my blog the past few weeks.  I had a death in the family recently and it's been a little chaotic at home for me the past few weeks.  A big thank you to those that have stopped by or sent emails for your kind words and encouragement during this time.

I hope that your child has been sharing what's happening in Humanities the past few weeks and is keeping you in the loop.  Here's a quick rundown of what's been happening . . .

Family Night - This week we are gearing up for Family Night next week.  It takes place next Thursday night from 5:00 - 8:00.  If you are new to IA, Family Night is a chance for parents and members from the community to visit our school and discover the exciting things happening at our school.  Our team will be exhibiting the Zero Waste Project.  Their final product that they are making is due next Tuesday.

Writing - Students are going through the writing process with the DEAR Book Review.  Write now most are getting feedback and revising and editing their 3rd drafts.  They are also writing responses to specific prompts as we read Life of Pi.

Reading - DEAR is on hold in my class, since we are reading Life of Pi.  We typically read about 3 chapters a day, 3-4xs a week.  The team seems to be really enjoying the book so far and hear them talking about it outside a class (always a good sign).

Social Studies - We are focusing on world geography this week and will begin to focus each week on a specific continent and it's various geographical features.  Also, we continue to talk about different religions and philosophies around the world.  I'm looking to schedule a few guest speakers of different religions and philosophies to share their beliefs and cultures.

Language Arts - New vocabulary words for the week include:  aversion, callous, carrion, coherent, conundrum, dire, dyspeptic, empathy, lucid, and sullen.  The team was assessed on the first five last week and will be assessed on the next five this Friday.  These words are taken right from Life of Pi.